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The Masthead of The Advertiser=News. This issue was identified as Vol 1 No.7 indicating that the paper began publishing on August 2, 1895. |
The Advertiser News was likely a short-lived newspaper in Sutton and not one of the real early ones. Papers were published in town as early as about 1873. The Sutton Register began in 1880 and continued into the 1940's.
Here is a list of several local businesses that advertised in this issue of the paper plus churches and civic societies.
William Bauer, Shoemaker - Repairing done at low prices. First door north of Grosshans'. Call in.
Dr. J. M. Birkner - Physician and Surgeon. All calls promptly answered.
Alex Bauer - Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. Transportation agent for Railroad and Steamship Lines. Office, 4th Door South of Oakland Hotel. (The Oakland Hotel was on the south bank of School Creek on the west side of Saunders Avenue. The Hotel burned down in 1902.)
G. L. Beard - Oyster Parlor. Fresh Fruits in season; choice Confectionery and Cigars. First door north of Carney's Hardware Store. (Carney's Hardware Store was on the west side of the north end of downtown.)
M. V. Clark - Surgeon and Physician. In active practice 24 years. Special attention to diseases of Women. (Dr. M. V. B. (Martin Van Buren) Clark was the brother of I. N. Clark, below, and the first doctor in Sutton in 1873. The Clark's came from near Cleveland.)
L. P. Crouch - Attorney at Law. Will practice in state courts, and give prompt attention to Collections. Office in Central Blk.
I. N. Clark - Real Estate and Ice. Choice Farm Lands, Town Property and Western Lands. Office up stairs in Clark's Block. (I. N. (Isaac Newton) Clark was an early (1873) Sutton developer. He opened the first business in the location of today's downtown on Saunders Avenue. (Operating as Carney's Hardware at this time - later Les Bauer's Hardware.)
E. E. Hairgrove - Attorney at Law. Office over First National Bank. Special attention given to correspondence.
J. H. Johnson - Dental Surgery. Teeth extracted without pain. Temporary and permanent sets made on short notice. Office in Opera House.
M. C. King. - Lawyer and Collector. Notary Public. Office - Bemis Block.
J. W. Legg - Jeweler. Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware and Spectcles (sic). Repairs a specialty and guaranteed.
D. A. Schaftchenko - City Barber. Shop 3rd door south of Oakland Hotel.
T. H. Matters - Lawyer and Collector. Practice in all courts. Harvard and Sutton, Nebraska
Thompson Bros. - Real Estate and Loans. Farms and Town property for sale. Real estate Loans negotiated at lowest current rates.
H. L. Vradenberg - Homepathic Physician and Surgeon. Office First Door South of William Reuter's Harness Shop.
The Flour and Feed Store - is still in Sutton, and keeps Flour from three different mills. Always a good stock on hand. Every sack guaranteed to give satisfaction. Come in and get my prices. Henry Schleicher - Sutton.
Sam Carney Hardware Store - Gasoline Stoves, Screen Doors, Paints and Oils, Refrigerators. Sewing Machine Repairing on Short Notice. --- Don't Forget to Remember the Place.
The Corner Market - Run by those two old reliable butchers: Brehm & Baker.
M. Tessier & Son Groceries.
C. M. Calmes' Lunch Room and Bakery - All the delicacies of the season furnished on short notice. South Side.
First National Bank - F. N. Rowley, President; M. L. Luebben, Cashier; Theo.Miller, Assistant Cashier.
Toland & Nelson Store - School supplies, bicycles.
THE CHURCH DIRECTORY from September 13, 1895:
German Lutheran - Preaching on Sunday at 2 P.M. Sunday School at 3 P. M. Meetings held in the court house. Max Henning, Pastor.
German Congregational - Preaching at 1:30 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. on Sunday. Sunday School at 9 A.M. Prayer meeting on Sunday at 2 P.M. Richard Hilkerbaumer, Pastor.
Catholic Services - First, Third and Fifth Sunday at 10:30 A.M. Every Sunday at 7:30 P.M. Lecture and Bennediction (sic). Sunday School at 10:30 A.M. on first, third and fifth Sundays. Doctrine for children every Saturday at 2 o'clock P.M. F. C. Loughran, Priest.
Evangelical Association. Preaching Sunday morning at 10:30 and in the evening at 7:30. A. Wichmann, Pastor.
First Congregational - Services on the Sabbath at 10:30 A.M. Prayer meeting Thursdays evening at 8. Y.P.S.C.E. Sunday evening. Jacob Flook, Pastor.
Immanuels German Reformed - Sunday School at 10:00 A.M. Service at 11 A.M. W. Bonekemper, Pastor.
Methodist Episcopal - Services Sunday at 10:30 A.M. and 8 P.M. Olive Branch 3 P.M.Strangers made welcome. J. W. Royse, Pastor.
Wolga Congregation-German Reformed - Sunday School 9:30. Preaching on Sunday at 10:30 A.M. John Arnold, Pastor.
Sutton Lodge No. 156, A.O.U.W. Meets in the Odd Fellow's Hall first and third Monday's.
Sutton Lodge No. 87, Degree of Honor, A.O.U.W. Meets in Odd Fellow's Hall second and fourth Mondays.
Sutton Lodge No. 52. I.O.O.F. Meets in their hall Wednesday's.
Eugenia No. 34, Daughters of Rebekah. Meets in the Odd Fellow's Hall on Friday evening.
Evening Star Lodge No. 49 A.F.& A.M. Meets on second and fourth Thursday evenings.
Lebanon Chapter No. 14, R.A.M. meets in Masonic Hall last Fridays.
Solomon Council No.10, Royal and Selected Masters - Meets first Fridays in the Masonic Hall.
Sutton Chapter No. 54, O.E.S. meets in Masonic Hall first and third Thursdays.
Sutton Lodge No. 75, Knights of Pythias meets each Tuesday evening.
George G. Meade Post No. 19 G.A.R. meets second and fourth Thursday evenings.
George G. Meade Corps No. 167 W.R.C. meets first and third Thursdays.
Pine Tree Camp No. 494, M.W.A. meets in the K. of P. Hall on second and fourth Mondays.
W.C.T.U. meets every two weeks on Wednesday evenings.