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Magazine Articles & Newspaper Columns

The Sutton Historical Society contributes to 
the two local Sutton publications

The Clay County News

Clay County in the Rear View Mirror is a weekly retrospective column with excerpts from Clay County newspapers 25, 50, 75 and 100 years back from the current week. This year (2021) we have access to 1896 newspapers at newspapers.com and have added a 125 year section. We draw on papers from Sutton, Harvard, Clay Center, Fairfield and Edgar plus others when we can find them.

We attempt to balance items from throughout the county. We are on the lookout for items about the opening and closing of businesses, items of interest about individuals and news that reflects cultural, economic, social and living conditions that are distinctly different from the current situations. We are especially attracted to items that cause people to say, "I'd forgotten about that." or "I never knew that." or "That happened here? Surely not." or "That can't be true." or .... well, you get the idea.

Tory Duncan and the staff at the Clay County News for this outlet for the stories about the past of Sutton and Clay County.

Sutton Life Magazine

Memory Lane in Sutton Life Magazine was a monthly article about some aspect of the history of the Sutton Community. Many of those articles featured some significant person or event in Sutton's past that has fallen through the cracks of our collective memories. Most of these persons and events were directly related to the Sutton area but some have a Sutton connection but had an impact elsewhere or on a larger scale.

We contributed to Sutton Life from the second issue of the magazine right up to the final issue. Most of the Sutton Life Magazine articles appear as postings on this blog. We thank Jarod Griess, Mustang, Inc. for providing the Sutton Historical Society with that outlet for these articles over a period of about eight years.

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