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Monday, June 30, 2014

1914 Newspaper ads from The Sutton News

Newspaper ads from the old newspapers are good for identifying some of the businesses of the past but better yet, they provide an insight into what kinds of things were believed to attract consumers.

There were other jewelers who are better known today.

It appears Henry was in business quite a while

Of course, J. M. Gray Lumber was on the west side of Way Avenue north of the
railroad tracks.

Banking was a volatile business in the early teens.

And here is a tip for washing those $#%@! disks in the cream separators.
Never could be sure you'd done a good job of it.

PHOTO QUIZ - Distinctive Sutton Cafe (we think)

We acquired this photo believed to be of a Sutton business, apparently a cafe from some time in the past. The establishment had a distinctive shape that should be easily identifiable, if you know about it. Note that the bar on the left is at a sharp angle to the rest of the building turning the near section into a triangle. It is especially apparent from the design of the ceiling over the bar.

So, who can tell us what business this was, where was it located, who are the six people in the picture and about when was it taken.


The original picture.

There are several Coca-Cola signs above and around the bar, one promoting "Cooling - Exhilarating" possibly indicating a summer season. The dark sign above the mirror reads, "We serve Hunt's Ice Cream 'Taste Tells.'" There is also a calendar on the right wall at a sharp angle and so far, defying enhancement.

Note the pinball machine and the three distinctive chairs in the foreground. The door at the back appears to lead to the kitchen(?)

Cropped and edited picture to accentuate the ceiling and remove the sepia effect.

This enlargement is intended to give a bit better view of the six people. There is a ghost-like image on the far right of the original photo that appears to be a woman in the last booth but it is distorted. 

One theory is that it might be in the location of the Grothe Drug Store that may have had an angled wall (don't remember myself) and that there was a door to the basement to the left of this shot. If so, who/what preceded Fred Grothe in that storefront?

Have fun and let us know...  Comment below.

Historical Society Dugout Days Parade Float took 2nd place.

The Historical Society float took 2nd place in the Dugout Days parade on Saturday evening. The theme was some combination of Highway 6, kicks in the sticks as such. This title was Highway 6 Hicks which fits in there somewhere.

I somehow missed getting the old Farmall "A" into the picture but the wagon with its canopy was a hit "fer sure."

Is this not one of the best wagon designs for this kind of thing you've seen in .... a long time?

Words can't improve on the image.

Linda Lautenschlager won the 2014 Kuchen Baking Contest - congratulations

The Sutton Historical Society enjoys celebrating the Kuchen as one of the fine German contributions to civilization. The ninth annual contest had six contestants tempting the judges with their latest masterpieces.

The Kuchen Baking Contest winners were Sheila Ochsner, third place, Melissa Reichert, second place and first place winner, Linda Lautenschlager.


Our contestants at the ninth annual Kuchen Baking contest: William Boehler, Nancy Domeier, Sheila Ochsner, Melissa Reichert and Linda Lautenschlager. Pam Woodward was also a contestant but we missed her for the photo. Thanks to all for participating and joining us for the fun.

This page produced while enjoying the "ATOMIC KUCHEN" decorated in the design of the international symbol for radioactivity and a very tasty piece of work...

Judith Ann Stuebbe, 1965 Miss Idaho and one-time Sutton High student.

Fifty years ago this week (early July, 2014) one-time Sutton gal Judy Stuebbe was named Miss Idaho.

Judy Stuebbe, okay, Judith Ann Stuebbe attended Sutton Schools through her freshman year of high school when her father, Rev. Calvin Stuebbe, minister of Emmanuel Reformed Church transferred to an Aberdeen, South Dakota church.

Judy attended Northern State College (now University) in Aberdeen for two years before going to the University of Idaho. She was selected as Miss University of Idaho in 1964 and as Miss Idaho in July, 1964 qualifying her for the trip to Atlantic City, New Jersey for the 1965 Miss America Pageant.

Judith Ann Stuebbe, from the "Gem of the Mountains" - the 1964 University of Idaho annual.

Judy was a serious music student performing a piano piece as her talent portion in the beauty pageants. I was unable to locate a photo of our French Horn quartet when we were freshmen at Sutton High but did find the Freshmen Triple Trio photo in the 1958 Sutton annual.

The 1958 Freshmen Triple Trio with Judith Ann Stuebbe and Paula McBeth in the top row, Jeanene Carlson, Marcia Miller and Pam Hollenbeck in the middle row and Billie Rae, Sharon Stevens, Charlotte Campbell and Karen Eberhard in the front row.

July, 1939 retrospective column from The Sutton Register.

Charles Brown was in his 22nd year of publishing The Sutton Register in 1939. He had a regular retrospective column that looked back 42 years to items from the paper, in this case from the first week of July, 1897. Francis Marion Brown (F.M.), Charles' father was the publisher from 1886 until his death in 1919. Not sure what the significance of 42 might have been.

Clipping from the July 6, 1939 issue of The Sutton Register.

An item in the second column refers to the Rev. Hiram Curtiss of Grafton. Rev. Curtiss was the father of Alida Curtiss who wrote the novel, "Mother Wanted a Son" that was set in Grafton with some scenes in Sutton. Miss Curtiss and Nellie Stevens who was the inspiration for the main character in the novel ran a millinery shop in Sutton for several years. Rev. Curtiss appears in the novel as the father of a boy who was a friend of Nellie's. Actually, Alida herself was that real-life friend.

See this article below...


Friday, June 27, 2014

The July 4, 1914 Program in Sutton.

This schedule of events celebrating the Fourth of July in Sutton in 1914 appeared in The Sutton News on Friday, July 3, 1914.

How many stars were on the flag in 1914?

1939 Letter from Herbert Johnson, Saturday Evening Post cartoonist

The documentation that political cartoonist Herbert Johnson really was from Sutton has been weak and hard to verify. This letter appeared in the June 29, 1939 issue of The Sutton Register and should put to rest any uncertainty about the nature of the connection.

The earlier blog posting about Mr. Johnson is below at: earlier Herbert Johnson post

It was Roy Clark that Mr. Johnson saw in 1935. Roy was the son of I. M. Clark, the developer of the west part of Sutton and the brother of Albert W. Clark (Mamie Wieden's husband) who was Sutton's Ice Man for years. Albert (Bertie) died in 1922 and this is the first time I've seen evidence that Roy had taken over the ice business. The source of the ice was Glen Lake, now known as Clark's Pond.

Herbert Johnson, political cartoonist for the Saturday Evening Post and Country Gentleman
magazines and one-time Sutton resident.

1914 Kelly's Cafe - The Truth about Soda Water

This clipping is from The Sutton News issue of June 26, 1914 including an article (extended ad?) from Kelly's Cafe in Sutton describing their Soda Water drink.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Long Distance Courting, 1912

Publisher F. M. Brown wrote in the January 11, 1912 issue of The Sutton Register:

Gus Bender left Monday morning for Scotland, S.D. he will make a trip to the Gulf coast before returning. It is reported that tickets for two will be necessary when Gus starts south. Maybe it’s a long chance, but here’s our congratulations.

Gus Bender, the son in Bender & Son implement dealership was 27 at the time. His bride in 1912 was Clara Henrietta Landmann, born 15 September, 1887 in Scotland, South Dakota.

Gus was the middle of three generations who operated the John Deere dealership in Sutton for over 125 years. The original business was started by Jacob Bender; the three sons of Gus were the third generation, Paul, Wally & Fritz.