The biographies of residents form one of the most important
pieces of the history of a community. We were recently able add several early
Sutton biographies to the collection at the Sutton Museum.
The family of the late James R. Griess donated material to
the Museum including bound copies of The Sutton Register from 1890, 1894 and
1900. For several weeks at the start of 1894 publisher F. M. Brown included
short biographies of Sutton residents, mostly local businessmen. We’ll take a
look at the information in those biographies and flesh out the stories of those
men for this article.
Roberts (1836-1929)
John Roberts was a pioneer grocer in Sutton. He was born in
Beaufort, Wales in April, 1836 and educated at Ebbw Vale National schools. Yes,
the Welsh have a special way with spelling. The neigboring town to Ebbw Vale is
Brynmawr and those are easy ones.
John and his brother William had a grocery story in the Opera House Block on the north end of downtown Sutton, west side. |
John was apprenticed to the clothing and dry goods trades
from 1857 through 1861. John and his brother William joined 35 others in 1862
to make their fortune in the gold mines in the rugged mountains of the Caribo
Region between Kamloops and Prince George, British Columbia.
The group contracted travel for 120 British pounds but the
company failed as they reached St. Paul, Minnesota. That, and an Indian
massacre at New Ulm interrupted their trip. The group retreated to New York and booked travel to
British Columbia by way of Nicaragua, this time for another 300 pounds. The
arrived thirteen months later in June, 1863 where John Roberts mined for about
a year before becoming manager of a firm engaged in general mechandise.
The Roberts brothers dissolved their grocery partnership at the end
of 1890. John continued in the business.
Roberts returned to England in 1878 as an agent for the
mechandise firm then went into business for himself in 1870, still in England.
In the fall of 1879, John Roberts and his brother William
came once again to the United States and opened their grocery store in Sutton.
Their first Sutton store was in a building later occupied by Mrs. Braistch’s
millinery store – do not know where that was. But when the Opera House was
completed, the Roberts brothers moved into that building.
Why Sutton? How did John and William Roberts find their way
to Sutton? We don’t know. The skimpy tracks that the pioneers left tell us what
they did but very little about why. That story awaits someone running across a
diary or an account of a conversation or some other clue. The reason why the
Roberts’ ended up in Sutton could well be the best story about their lives.
We’ll likely never know.
William Roberts retired in December, 1890 dissolving the Roberts Bros. firm,
John continued in the grocery business. W. D. Roberts ran ads in 1894 for his
bicycle shop located in the Roberts grocery store.
John Roberts married Elizabeth Davies at Llangattock church
in Wales in 1870. Four children were born in England between 1871 and 1879:
Margaret, William, Ernest, and Agnes. Leonard and Charlotte (aka Mary) were
born in Sutton. All were living with their parents in Sutton in 1900. Margaret
and Agnes were school teachers and William was with his father in the grocery
store. Ernest was listed as a bookkeeper, possibly also in the business. Ernest
and Charlotte were Sutton High grads (Classes of 1892 and 1900). John Roberts
was on the Sutton Board of Education.
Four years after leaving the grocery
business, William was back in his
brother's store with his bicycle
John and Elizabeth were members of the Methodist Church where
Mr. Roberts was frequently called to conduct services. John Roberts appeared as
a “Local Preacher” in Sutton in the Hastings District in the 1904 annual report
Methodist Church.
The 1894 newspaper bio lists John Roberts as a reliable, liberal
and popular business man and mentions that the Roberts family “…own and occupy
a commodious, comfortable home in North Sutton.” It also identifies him as a
For quite a long time about a century ago, a man’s political
affiliation was an important public identificaton. Party affiliation was often
included in obituaries. Newspapers identified with one of the political parties
and openly endorsed and supported specific candidates while exposing the sins
of the opposition. One fun newspaper item in that era suppliments those
Two state republican officials came to Sutton where a couple
of local fellows were to meet their train. No one appeared on the platform so
the two visitors headed north from the depot to the Oakland Hotel which was
located on the south bank of School Creek and the west side of Saunders Avenue.
The men checked into the Oakland and settled in their rooms. The local fellows
tracked their visitors down and informed them of their mistake. The Oakland
Hotel was a democratic hotel. The men immediately checked out and walked south
across the tracks to the Occidental Hotel located where the American Legion is
now located. The Occidental was Sutton’s republican hotel.
We’ve not yet identified the party affiliation
of the hotel later called the Carson that was located where the Co-Op (I’m
sorry, the CPI) store is now.
The Roberts family is buried in the Sutton cemetery. |
all of their early-life wanderings, the Roberts family became long time
fixtures of the community and today rest in a large plot in Section 02S of the
Sutton Cemetery. John died in 1929; Elizabeth (Davies) in 1917. None of their
three daughters appear to have married and are all buried in Sutton: Agnes died
in 1902 at the age of 23, Margaret died in 1945, Charlotte in 1966. William
died in 1957 and Ernest in 1946, both with Sutton Cemetery gravestones though
there may be some evidence that Ernest’s stone is actually a cenotaph
(gravestone of one whose remains are elsewhere). A few researchers conflate the
grave of Ernest Robert in Olympia, Washington with this fellow. Leonard Charles
Roberts served in World War I, was married to Nellie and died May 28, 1944. He
is buried in Peoria County, Illinois.
D. Roberts died in 1905 and is buried locally with his brother’s family.
Phillip H. Schwab
Schwab was born in Germany on June 29, 1841 to Henry and Margaret (Kuhl)
Schwab. The family immigrated to Sublette Illinois when Phillip was five years
Schwab took up farming hauling his grain and hogs 93 miles to market in
Chicago. Phillip attended local schools and worked on his father’s farm until
September 17, 1861 when he enlisted in Co. B, 52nd Illinois Infantry
with the first call for troops a few months after the shelling of Fort Sumner.
Phillip Schwab's Civil War cap and hat are at the Sutton Museum.
Both are distinctive hat wear, and spiffy too.
Schwab saw action with Grant’s Army of Tennessee in at least 23 battles
including Fort Donelson, Shiloh and the siege of Corinth. He was with General
Sherman in battles around Atlanta and in the march to the sea. He was wounded
several times including in the left arm and knee.
returned to Illinois and farmed for several years but remained a soldier in the
state militia as a first lieutenant with Company F, 4th Illinois
Infantry from 1878 to 1885. He married Mary Agnes Schaette in Washington,
Illinois on January 28, 1868, the day before my grandmother was born – not sure
why I told you that, just deal with it.
Schwab sold his Illinois farm and resigned his 1st Lt. Commission in
1885. He arrived in Sutton on October 14, 1885, purchased land in Clay County
and soon went into business with August Grosshans in a grain and coal elevator
on the Burlington railroad in Sutton.
and Schwab moved their elevator to the K.C. & O tracks when that railroad
came to Sutton about 1887. That was the Kansas City & Omaha railroad,
originally affiliated with, or a branch of the Union Pacific and later sold to
the Burlington and was locally known as the “Pook Eye.” for some reason.
Grosshans and Schwab later dissolved that firm and Mr. Schwab bought the
elevator at Lushton on the K.C. & O. line.
also purchased elevators in Clay Center and Norman on the St. Joseph &
Grand Island railroad. (The 1894 news article puts the Norman elevator near
Minden on the St. J. & G.I. railroad – an opportunity for more railroad
history research, but not today).
Bill and Katharynne Johnson (Class of '58 and '62) donated
their great, grandfather Schwab's uniform to the
Sutton Museum.
Schwab was one of eight children of Henry and Margaret but only Phillip and a
sister Margaret (Schwab) Beard of California survived to full adulthood.
and Mary Agnes Schwab had five children all born in Illinois and buried in the
Sutton Cemetery. Oldest daughter Selina died in 1922. John Schwab died November
30, 1889 just months after graduating from Sutton High in the Class of ’89.
Laura married Albertis H. Lewis, long-time Sutton jeweler. She died in 1955.
Reuben died in 1926. Nellie married William F. Hoerger, a local real estate
Schwabs were active in the Methodist Church. He was a member of the I. O. O. F.
and served as commander of Sutton’s Geo. C. Meade Post No. 19 of the Grand Army
of the Republic.
was on the Sutton City Council for two years, the Clay County Board of Supervisors
for four and served on the Sutton Board of Education. He was a republican. He
had farms in Eldorado Township, Harlan and Hitchcock counties.
the Roberts family, Phillip and Mary Schwab lived in North Sutton.
original intent was to feature four or five of the fellows featured in those
Sutton Register newspapers in early 1894, but long-windedness won out and we’ll
cease here with two fellows. The other men in this set included Dr. John
Birkner, A. C. Burlingame, Rev. Jacob Flook, Joel Swearingen, Joseph Grice,
Luther French, William Reuter and Edward Ihrig. A few others are Samuel Carney,
George Honey, Fred Hoerger, John C. Merrill and E. W. Woodruff, all who
warranted having their names “etched in stone” on buildings on the west side of
story now becomes another project as we’ll plug away at these biographies. Do
you find the stories of Sutton pioneers to be of interest? Do you realize that
researching these folks is not only interesting but is also involves some fun
and at the end, a feeling of accomplishment?
of the Sutton Historical Society have been collecting and preserving the
artifacts and information about the Sutton community for ten years now. We’ve
made a dent in what could be done. Those who know us should realize that the
probability that this same group will still be doing this ten years from now is
somewhat less than 100%. We not only would appreciate some help, but this is an
existential question for the Sutton Museum.
The Phillip Schwab family is buried in Section 03S of the Sutton Cemetery. |
if you have ever considered someday, maybe, thinking about getting involved in
the preservation of Sutton’s story, how about giving us a call? Contact Jerry
Johnson at 773-0222 or at to find out more.
No obligation, no pressure. Start out slow or jump in with both feet. We would
appreciate the help.
This article first appeared in the Sutton Life Magazine. For more information about this publication contact Jarod Griess at