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Dr. Martin Van Buren Clark was Clay County's first physician and pharmacist. |
Martin V. Clark died at his home in Sutton on March 22, 1922. He had been a big
part of the story of Sutton from the very beginning. He was the county’s first
Van Buren Clark and his brother Isaac Newton Clark arrived in late 1871, more
than a year and a half after the first homesteaders arrived in Northern Clay
County. What did they find when they arrived?
French is credited with the founding of Sutton. Mr. French staked out his
homestead claim in early 1870, settled into his dugout and proceeded to grow a
little wheat on land that is now the north section of our town.
was alone out here on the prairie until the next spring when a trickle, and
then a small flood of people came from the east and stopped here along the
banks of School Creek. These 1871 arrivals were the ones who were much more
interested in citing a town than Mr. French had been.
earliest shops, dominated by saloons, lined Main Avenue. Those first settlers
were postured in the path of the railroad and in August Burlington tracks cut
through on the south end of that business strip.
days of the arrival of the railroad, John Maltby persuaded Luther French to
survey his 80-acre farm into town lots as Maltby and friend William Way had
taken possession of the 160 acres to the south – another good story we’ll pass
on this time.
when Martin V. B. Clark and brother I. N. Clark arrived on November 1, 1871 with
their families, the community of School Creek had been renamed Sutton and 240
acres designated for the town.
sale of his town lots were the first real estate transactions recorded in Clay
County. It’s beyond the scope of this article but there seems to be an open
question about those transactions. Our understanding of the Homestead Act leads
us to believe Luther French would not have had clear title to his homestead
until he’d completed the five-year process of proving-up the claim. Yet, there
he is a year later selling off lots. Perhaps I’m missing something. However…
the end of 1871, it was clear that town of Sutton would exist. What is not
always clear, are the details of how our town came to be.
have several contemporary accounts of those early days completed while the main
cast was still around to authenticate the details. Unfortunately, that may not
have always happened.
accounts stem from two sources. The nation made a fuss of its Centennial in
1876 including Clay County which commissioned a formal history. The committee
consisted of Dr. Martin Clark, Judge John Maltby and Erastus White of Sutton
along with Ezra Brown, Ira Pearsall and J. T. Fleming of Harvard. Dr. Clark
read the entire text of “A History of Clay County, Neb.” at the celebration of
American Independence in Sutton on July 5, 1876. This was a mere five years
after most of the founding events occurred. We seldom get an account that
contemporary from the main characters.
second oft-quoted source is the “History of Hamilton and Clay Counties” edited
by George Burr and O. O. Buck and published in 1921. It contains more than 600
pages of biographical sketches of early Clay County Movers and Shakers
including the Clark Brothers. Those gentlemen died in 1922 and 1927 so they
were available to consult with on their own stories. Yet, details, especially
specific dates, differ between those two primary sources.
stories of early Sutton history, including our own on behalf of the 21st
Century Sutton Historical Society draw heavily on those two sources while
wrestling with the variations in detail.
challenge in telling the story of the Clark brothers is that the normal robust
genealogical information available online is really skimpy for these fellows.
And, believe it or not, our Martin Clark is not the only Martin V. B. Clark
with a wife named Mary from that era – the other was in New Hampshire.
Martin was born April 28, 1840 in Parma, Ohio, a south suburb of Cleveland. His
parents were David Clark and Ximena (or Zimena) Roberts of Hartford,
Connecticut. The couple had four children but only Martin and Isaac appear to
have lived to adulthood.
Clark brothers were of an age that destined them for military duty in the Civil
War. Martin served in the 7th Ohio Infantry, Company C and later
rose to the rank of sergeant in the 8th Ohio Artillery Battery. He
continued in federal and state military units for five years. Brother Isaac
served in the 25th Illinois Infantry – both were active in Sutton’s
George Meade Post of the G. A. R.
Mary Derby Henry - Mrs. Martin V. B. Clark |
Clark married Mary Derby Henry of Parma on the 4th of July, 1865.
They had three daughters when they arrived, a fourth was born in Sutton.
Clark was born in 1886. She is listed as Allie in the Sutton Alumni directory
where she and her cousin Myra constitute one half of Sutton’s first high school
graduating class. Alice would marry John W. Thompson who was a practicing
physician in Sutton for many years. Their son John Clark Thompson was a doctor
in Lincoln.
second daughter was Mamie born in 1867, not to be confused with Sutton’s
long-time social leader Mayme (Wieden) Clark, Mrs. Albert Clark and
daughter-in-law of Isaac. Martin’s Mamie died in 1879 at the age of 11 and is
buried with her parents in the Sutton cemetery.
number 3 was Edith Lorena Clark born in 1871 in Parma Heights, Ohio and
therefore an infant when the family arrived in Sutton. Edith married Oscar
Challburg and they had two children, Martin W. and Adelina. Martin Challburg is
still well-remembered as a downtown Sutton insurance agent – office on the east
side of the north end if I remember right – correct me if I’m wrong. I’m
certain Martin Challburg had a lifetime of fine accomplishments but he is best
remembered (test this if you’d like) for his two Great Danes – and grrrrreeat
Danes they were. It was a memorable spectacle to time your visit to
Carlsgaard’s Dairy Drive-in on the south end of town to be there when the
Challburg’s treated those dogs to their ice cream cones. One-gulp treats.
fourth daughter of Martin and Mary Clark was Ruth. One source lists her husband
as Elmer G. Briard, a farmer of Madison, Nebraska. There’s other, less
compelling evidence connecting her to a Fredrick Klein in Minnesota. There may
have been two Ruth F. Clarks born in Nebraska in 1881. It’s on the list for
further investigation, maybe.
Clark attended Baldwin University in Ohio after the Civil War and then
completed medical school at Western Reserve University in Cleveland – now known
as Case Western. He was a professor of pharmacy and practiced medicine before
he came to Nebraska.
Martin Clark wrote that he arrived in Sutton on November 1, 1871, other
accounts claim he and his brother purchased all of Luther French’s unsold lots
in October. And that too is part of the fun of this.
part of French’s original homestead that extends into the west part of town was
incorporated by the Clark brothers as “Clark’s Addition.” Almost six years ago,
we wrote articles speculating on the origin of the names of Sutton’s streets
and avenues. Out west there is a Clark Avenue and two names that match the
names of Isaac’s children, Roy and Myra. There was a Glen Lake in the
neighborhood, today’s Clark’s Pond. It all fits.
But there is no Alice, Mamie, Edith or Ruth avenues that could have been named
after Martin’s kids. There is however a Euclid Avenue at the very west edge of
town. Our fun speculation about that name six years ago was that that street
was part of Martin’s legacy. Case Western Reserve University is on the east
edge of Cleveland where the campus is bisected by a major street heading off to
the distant suburb of Euclid. That Cleveland street is Euclid Avenue. Our
speculation was that someone special lived on that street, special enough to
warrant Martin naming a street in the brothers’ addition to Sutton after the
Cleveland street. We can hope that someone special was his bride Mary Derby
Henry, but we don’t have to.
first businesses in Sutton sprung up on Main Avenue, north of railroad tracks
and the reputation on those first saloons, and perhaps other businesses
contributed to the animosity that developed between the Burlington and Sutton.
The Clark brothers chose to locate their first business on the west side of
Saunders Avenue and south of the creek.
The first Clark House was a two-story building with Isaac’s hardware store and Martin’s pharmacy. Martin also set up his medical practice in the building – the first in the county. He was also an early county coroner. The brothers and their families lived upstairs for a while. The building later served as a hotel and as a boarding house and served the town until 1941.
Clark’s scientific background included not only his professions as a medical
doctor and a pharmacist but he also taught applied chemistry and toxicology at
Baldwin University and was known as a legal chemist. Courts in Clay and
surrounding counties employed him for toxicology analysis in criminal cases –
kind of a C.S.I. Sutton story.
biographies list several cases: State vs. Anderson in Clay County, an arsenic
case; State vs. Lee in Saline County, strychnia; State vs. Rath, Clay County,
strychnia; State vs. Stevenson, Nuckolls County, Corrosive sublimate which was
the first prosecution under “the pharmacy act” and State vs. Morse in Gage
County, another strychnia case.
else Dr. Clark contributed to the development of Sutton, his lasting legacy is
found in a gift he and his brother left to the City of Sutton in those early
years. They carved out a four-block square straddling School Creek from the
property they had purchased from Luther French donating that land for the
Sutton City Park. The extreme southeast corner of the original park, the
section on the south of School Creek today is home to a portion of the Sutton
Museum – the Wolfe School, our country school museum.
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