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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Dubinsky Bros. Stock Company in Sutton 1920

 100 years ago Sutton was all a buzz about the Dubinsky Brothers Stock Co., or so it would seem.

So sorry I missed it.

1970 King Papers - National Newspaper Week

 The Clay County King Newspaper group paid this tribute to the 1970 National Newspaper Week.

Dr. Ida Bengtson, Harvard "heroine of science"

 This article appeared in The Harvard Courier in 1920 recounting the interesting career of one of that town's favorite sons. 

My weekly column in The Clay County News is called "Clay County in the Rear View Mirror" and as such I try to cover the history of the entire county. This blog is focused on Sutton so most of the out-of-town column material misses this blog, with a few exceptions, like this.

1920 Clay County Census Report

 The constitution mandates that there be a formal nose-count every ten years. This is the first release of the 1920 census from a September 30, 1920 paper for the county, the towns, and the townships. There may have been some adjustments later (I'll update this if that occurs as I walk through the year researching my column. 

My guess is that for those line items that are blank, those villages were not identified but the folks were rolled up in the township numbers. 

Honey Furniture & Carpet Ad plus Undertaking

 George Honey's business in Sutton's early days was furniture and carpet, and like many who sold furniture in those early days, he had the additional role of the town's undertaker. 

George Honey built the building that served as the Sutton High School Auditorium for several years before becoming a blacksmith shop, catching fire, and being replaced by the Sutton Community Center. 

1920 Ads in The Sutton Register

 Bayer AG was founded in Barmen, Germany in 1863 was a dyestuffs factory. Their first product was aspirin and is still the best known.

In 1898 Bayer trademarked the name heroin for the drub diacetylmorphine and sold it as a cough medicine and a substitute for morphine until 1910. 

This was a 1920 ad in The Sutton Register. 

Bender Buick Dealership - 1920

 Didja know that Jacob Bender & Son had a Buick dealership in 1920? 

These were 3 to 7 passenger cars priced from $1795 to $3295.

The next challenge is to see how long the Bender - Buick relationship lasted. 

Basket Stores ad in 1920

 The Basket Stores was a huge chain of grocery stores with numerous stores in Omaha, Lincoln, and St. Joseph, but with smaller stores scattered around the area. Saronville had a Basket Store for a time.

This is an ad for the one in Sutton. At the time, there were 73 of these, according to the text on the basket. What do you bet they had baskets just like the one in the ad for use in the stores. Wonder if one of those might be gathering dust in someone's attic or basement. 

Ad for sale of lots in the Fowler's Second Addition at the south end of town.

 The Fowler additions are between Myrtle Street and Highway 6 in the south part of Sutton. Fowler was a banker and he named Helen, Anna, and George Streets after his kids. He also had a daughter named Madge but she didn't get a street. 

Do you find that troubling too?

Geo. Leininger 1920 Farm Sale Ad

 This two-page spread was the ad for the George Leininger farm sale in 1920.

The auctioneer was Henry Bender, one of three sons of Jacob Bender. Gus Bender was the partner in the implement store. Johnny Bender was a college football coach among other things. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Dorothy's Style Shoppe Ad - October 1970

 This ad for Dorothy's Style Shoppe on the North side appeared in The Clay County News during 1970.

Do you suppose it would be likely to appear today?

Or have we moved on?