Homesteading in Clay County Nebraska.
Kenneth E Nelson
June 26, 2013
I had known since I was a kid that several of my great grandparents
had homesteaded in Clay County around Saronville and Verona. But like most Nebraskans of my generation I had
only a sketchy 6th grade idea of the actual steps involved in
securing a homestead claim and reaching the
goal of a land patent--that prized document which legally conveyed public lands to a
private owner. Looking into the issue
for four ancestors, I found that life
was not so devoid of hassles and government hoop jumping in those “simple” days
as we sometimes like to think. In fact,
the combination of stiff requirements and the difficulty of carving a living
out of new lands was a recipe for failure—only about 40% of U.S. Homestead Act claims reached a successful
I had visited the National Archives in Washington and had a
glimpse of a few homesteading records, but NE homesteading records have
recently became available online with a subscription. Using such I traced the path from application
to final certificate for four great grandparents. I report the main steps of their process here and show some of the many
documents involved.
I am confident that most Clay County homestead paperwork
proceeded very much like these. And if
you want to research your own, you don’t
need to know much to start. Formerly to
search the physical records in the National Archives you needed to know the legal
description of the property, but now names are indexed online and you can
search by name and other cues.
Three of my great
grandfathers and a 2nd great grandfather homesteaded in Clay
County. Their names are Nils Nilsson
(later Nels Nelson), Adolph Aspegren, Charly Johnson, and Anders (Andrew) P.
Israelson. Similarities and differences
exist among their lives and homesteading experiences. All four of them emigrated from Sweden and
spent varying amounts of time in Illinois prior to coming to Nebraska. All arrived in Clay County between 1872 and
1877. However their ages, time in
America, family status, and economic
situations varied significantly.
Short Biographical Backgrounds re Homesteads
Nils Nilsson (Nels
Nelson born 1847) emigrated with his wife Anna from Hjärsås parish, Kristianstads Län, Sweden to Illinois in
1869. He worked as a farmhand in Warren
Co Illinois and later farmed his own presumably rented land. . He filed his intention for citizenship in
Warren Co. IL. He moved to Clay County with his wife Anna and
family in 1872 and filed an Application
for Entry for 80 acres in sec. 26 of Lewis Twp.
The parcel was located a little more than a mile southeast of where
Verona would later appear. A newspaper
account reports he arrived owning only the few belongings in his wagon and a
few dollars in his pocket.
Carl Johan Johanesson
(Charly Johnson born 1838) with Anna
and family left Sjonhem parish, Gotlands län, Sweden in 1873, settling first in
Henry Co. Illinois . Carl had
apprenticed as a shoemaker in Sweden and may have worked as one in Illinois. In 1875 they
came to Clay County where he promptly
identified and filed an Application of Entry for 80 acres in Section 28
of School Creek Twp. on May 14, 1875. The land is roughly 2 miles northwest of Sutton. So far as I can discern, Carl came with no
assets of consequence.
Anders Adolph Israelson Aspegren (Adolph Aspegren born
1848), left Askeryd parish, Jönköpins län, Sweden in April of 1868. In 1870 he resided with a wagon maker in New
Windsor, Mercer Co. Ill.; and presumably
worked building wagons. He married Emma
Caroline Israelson in Henry Co Il in 1871. Adolph applied for citizenship in Illinois
1874; they moved to Clay Co in
1876. Adolph promptly filed an
Application of Entry for 80 acres in Lewis Twp. in Sec. 2 (the section just
west of Saronville). Adolph’s economic
situation is a little foggy. It is
doubtful he had many personal assets , but Emma Caroline’s father did. (see below) .
Anders (Andrew) Petter
Israelson born 1824 and Charlotte came from Asby parish, Östergötlands län,
Sweden to near Swedona in Henry Co (possibly
Mercer) Ill in 1852. He became a
naturalized citizen in Illinois. Unlike
the other three, this ancestor came to Nebraska with some money. A. P. was the father of Emma Caroline ergo father-in-law of Adolph Aspegren, but I do not
think they were acquainted in Sweden. Andrew and family were farming owned land in
Oxford Twp. Henry Co. Ill in 1870, with an address of Opheim Ill. in 1875. Andrew P. and Charlotte sold their farmland in Henry Co.
Illinois and came to Clay Co with some assets in 1877, albeit he held a mortgage on the sold
Illniois land rather than all cash.
According to University of Nebraska records, In October 1877 Andrew and Charlotte
purchased 3 parcels of railroad land for a total of 320 acres (a critical size)
located in Sutton and Lewis Twps. That land was sold from public land grants to
the Burlington and Missouri River Rail
Road. The parcels were all within 2 miles of
Saronville and ranged in price between $6.00 and $7.50 per acre under 6 to 10
year pay off terms. Andrew and Charlotte
had been in Clay County only 6 days when purchasing this railroad land.
In addition to his purchased land, in June of 1878 Andrew filed a homestead
Application for Entry to 80 acres in sec. 6 of Lewis Twp., about 5 miles west
of Saronville. If Andrew had previously purchased
more than 320 acres, he would have been
ineligible for homesteading.
I have posted many digitized copies of homesteading
documents below, Most are scaled down to
reduce space. If you are reading this in
MS Word or a clone and wish to read a document, you can grab the corner of an
image and expand it. When finished touch
z to return to original size and place.
Select a Parcel.
I know little about how my ancestors traveled around, inspected,
and made a selection for their prospective homestead or how much they knew
about the land ahead of time. (see Staking Out the Prairie section below). But the situation must have changed between 1872 and 1877. The railroad arrived in Clay County in 1872
and was well established by 1877, also the population had grown tremendously. It follows then that by 1877 it would have
been easier to travel, and gather information, but there would have been fewer
land choices available. I did find this
short published description involving Nels Nelson’s homestead choice in 1872:
Nels Nelson was born in Sweden on the 19th of March, 1847, and in the
spring of 1869 came to the United States. He first located in Illinois, …… in
1872, however, he came west and settled in Nebraska, making the trip in a
covered wagon and being accompanied by two families. He homesteaded on section
26 and thereon built a small frame house. He had a span of small horses which
he used to break the ground and soon had his land in a fine state of
cultivation. At that time the vicinity was not very thickly populated, there
being but four houses between his home and Sutton and there were no dwellings
west of his place until the town of Fairfield was reached. Mr. Nelson had
very little money when he arrived in the county and it was a year and a half
before he got any crops, but he was more fortunate that many of the early
settlers and soon had his land upon a paying basis. At one time Mr. Nelson was
in possession of fifteen hundred and twenty acres of fine improved land and was
ranked among the foremost agriculturists of the surrounding country.
I hope someone can tell me someday who the two families that
accompanied Nels were. Anyway…However
they did it, each of our families did select a parcel and proceeded to make a
homestead claim.
STEP 2. The essential
first official step was to certify to the satisfaction of the Court that
the applicant is a citizen or has renounced all other allegiance and made
formal intent to become a citizen.
These immigrants definitely were required to have the paperwork
proving intent or actual citizenship.
Clearly those documents were not standardized.
Nels Nelson
Certificate of intent for Citizenship Nels Nelson Certification of

Charly Johnson Certificate of Citizenship

Adolph Aspegren. Handwritten certified copy of citizenship
documents recorded in and obtained from Illinois transferred and recertified in
Clay County Court. I can only guess
what effort might have been involved in obtaining and recertifying the
paperwork all by mail and visiting the courthouse.

Andrew P. Israelson:
Handwritten certified copy of Citizenship documents recorded in and obtained
from Illinois and recertified in Clay County.

STEP 3: Fomal Applications for Entry, these are
identical preprinted forms for all four individuals.
The legal process began with
submission of an “Application for
Entry”. When accepted the land office
issued an all important application number and legal description that secured
that parcel from any other attempt by another person to homestead, preempt, or
otherwise lay a claim to that same property.
I am surprised here that the order of dates for these and the next Entry
Affidavit documents differ one person to another. Documents were ideally executed at the Land
Office in Lincoln, but most all of these were executed at the Clay County
District Court with a note that the Court was used instead of the Land Office
“because of distance”. However, it looks like the Applications for Entry were
all physically executed at the Land Office in Lincoln. Today’s
inhabitants would be amazed how easy it was to travel by train to
Lincoln in the 1870s.
Nels Nelson,
Application for Entry No. 11876 for the N1/2 of SE1/4 Sec. 26 7N6W of 6th
PM Oct 9 1872

Charly Johnson May
14, 1875 Adolph Aspegren May 3
1876 Andrew P Israelson June17, 1878Chcs

AFFIDAVIT FOR ENTRY. The homesteader
swears to meet basic qualifications of age, citizenship, etc. in his Affidavit for Entry. The form asks for the Application for
Entry number so is evidently expected to be completed after making
application for enty. But two of the Affidavits are dated days before their
Application for Entry with the Application Number left blank. It appears that Nels’ was executed at the
Land Office in Lincoln, Adolphs’ and
Andrews’ by the County Clerk and Charly’s by the County Judge.
Nels Nelson October
9? 1872 Adolph Aspegren April 25
1876 Andrew P Israelson June 8 1878

. Charly
Johnson Affidavit for Entry, May 14

Receipt for
$14 Entry Fee: “being the amount of fee
and compensation of Register and Receiver for the entry of…” these forms are identical for all four
person’s; but the amount is $8.00 for three but is $8.99 for Andrew
Israelson. I don’t know why.

Entry application and affidavit process is complete, that pauses the legal
process for years, and starts long years of hard work: breaking ground, building a house, raising a barn,
digging wells, setting a windmill, making fence, planting cultivating and harvesting
crops, raising livestock, planting trees and probably fighting drought, fires, and grasshoppers. As the end of the five years approach; it is time to revisit the courthouse or the
land office.
STEP 5. Notification
of intent to “make final proof” commonly termed proving up. This step probably created joy as
well as some anxiety for our homesteaders.
They are almost at the end of the 5 year trial and are required to make
public notice at the land office and in the local legal newspaper that they
intend to prove up. The purpose of the
notice is to allow anyone to intervene if they believe the homesteader does not
qualify to be issued a final certificate and patent. A jealous neighbor might charge that the
homesteader was missing for an extended period, or did not raise crops for two
years, or is not the person they claim to be , or is a former confederate
soldier etc. etc. It might even happen that another person
would assert to have a prior claim in the homesteaded parcel.
I found no
notification of intent for Nels Nelson.
Johnson-Land Office posting of intent May 18 1880

Johnson – June 18, 1880 Newspaper posting of intent to prove up along with
notarized certification that notice occurred.

Aspegren – March 28 1881 Land Office official notice of intent to prove up.

Adolph Aspegren: Certification of Newspaper notice of intent , and the
newspaper notice.

Andrew P
Isralson July 20 1883, Certification by Sutton Register that notice of intent
had been published six consecutive weeks prior to June 30, 1883

Andrew P
Israelson: Certification of Land Office posting of intent for 30 days. July5,

STEP 6: PROVING UP. Proving to the satisfaction of the Judge that
the homesteader has Lived on and made sufficient Improvements on homesteaded land.
The homesteaders were required to provide their own testimony
and the testimony of two other citizens of certified respectability who swear
before the County Judge to the facts presented.
Proving up Testimony Oct 10 1877 by Nels Nelson and
Signed by two witnesses: O.A. Elwood and John S

Nels Nelson. Oct 10, 1877. Nels testifies he has met the 5 year
requirement and built a 14 x 18 frame house
with 9 x 18 ft addition and describes it as a comfortable dwelling. Additionally he as dug a well and set out
2000 forest trees.
Johnson, June 22 1980: Includes testimony that Charly has a good
comfortable house, a well and a sod stable.
And has set out and cultivated about 500 forrest trees and a few fruit
trees. He has cultivated about 70 acres
and has raised wheat , oats, barly, corn and potatoes. . Very
similar concurring 3 page documents were filed by two witnesses: John Hulten
and Peter Larson.
ProvingTestimony by
Charly Johnson for himself. Yes this testimony takes 3 pages.

Aspegren, May 3 1881. Adolph
testifies he has built a frame house and
barn, a well and windmill. About 10
acres are enclosed with a board and wire fence.
¾ mile of hedge and about 3000 forest trees. Value about $400. He has broken and cultivated about 70 acres
and raised wheat, oats, barly and corn.
Very similar concurring 3 page documents are filed by two witnesses:
Alfred Samuelson and August Swanson.
Proving Testimony of
Adolph Aspegren for himself.

Andrew P.
Israelson June 30 1883 Andrew testifies he has built a house
16 x 26 with kitchen 14 x 18 attached barn 40 x 42 ??? 12 x 24, 2 wells and 35 fruit trees. Value $1000.
As with Nels Nelson, his form is only one page but each witnesses also has a page here. One of Andrew’s witnesses is Adolph Aspegren
and the other is Gust Aspegren who I believe is Adolph’s brother.
Proving Testimony of:
Andrew Israelson for himself Adolf Aspegren for Andrew Gust Aspegren for Andrew

FINAL AFFIDAVIT. The final affidavit is
a certified testimony that all that came before has been completed correctly,
in good order, and to the satisfaction of the Judge (or Clerk).

I Nils Nilsson having made a homestead entry of the North ½ SouthEast ¼
Section No 26 in Township no 7N of Range
6W. Subject to Entry at Lincoln Neb. Under the first section of the Homestead
Act of May 20 1862 under the name of N Nelson do now apply to perfect my claim
thereto by virtue of Section no 2291 Revised Statures of the United States; and
for that purpose do Solemnly Swear that I am a Citizen of the United States;
that I have made actual Settlement upon and have cultivated said land, having
resided thereon since the 9” day of October 1872 to the present time; that no
part of said land has been alienated, but that I am the Sole bonafide owner as
an actual Settler; and that I will bear true allegiance to the Government of
the United States, that I am the Identical Same person who was admitted to
Citizenship on the 6”day of Octorber 1876 under the name Nils Nilsson and that
my name as written below is correctly Spelled.
I John B Drismon,Clerk of Dist-Court of Clay County Nebraska do hereby
certify that the above affidavit was taken and Subscribed before me this 10”
day of October 1877. I further Certify
the District Judge of this district is now absent from the county.
John B Drismon
Clerk Dist-Court
County Neb.
Johnson – final affidavit not found.
Aspegren- Final Affidavit
Andrew P Israelson- Final Affidavit

7: Final numbered Certificate: The ultimate
goal, --well almost anyway.
The homesteaders ultimate goal is a land patent. But a complete,
numbered, and certified Final Certificate insures that a patent will be issued
upon presentation of the Final Certificate to the Commissioner of the General
Land Office.
Nils Nilsson (Nels Nelson) Final Certificate number 6938

Johnson – Final Certificate Number 9907, June 24, 1880 

Aspegren – Final Certificate number 10234 May 6 1881.

Andrew P
Israelson – Final Certificate number 10722 July 5, 1883.

It is remarkable
that all four of these claims successfully reached a final certificate. Overall only about 40% of U.S. homestead entries were completed.
An Interesting sidelight. Three of the four sets of homestead documents refer to an even 80 acres of land. Andrew P. Israelson’s however refers to 79 and 79/100 acres. An unusual degree of specificity. AND Fees for all others are $8.00 and $4.00 while fees paid by Andrew P. Israelson were $8.99 and $3.99
An Interesting sidelight. Three of the four sets of homestead documents refer to an even 80 acres of land. Andrew P. Israelson’s however refers to 79 and 79/100 acres. An unusual degree of specificity. AND Fees for all others are $8.00 and $4.00 while fees paid by Andrew P. Israelson were $8.99 and $3.99
Staking out
the prairie. It has long
puzzled me how potential homesteaders were able to navigate largely featureless
prairie and identify what section,
quarter section, even eighty acres,
they were standing on and
considering for homestead. The
answer can be found in the 1871 Surveyors Manual. Public Land Surveyors were instructed to
place prominent markers at all the criticical “corners” in the rectangular survey. Markers varied by resources available in a
region whether trees, or stones, or mounds of earth, or placed posts.
I presume posts would have been used in Clay County.
Township, sectional, or mile cornfers, and quarter sectional or half
mile corners, will be perpetuated by planting a post at the place of the
corner, to be formed of the most durable wood of the forest at hand. The posts
must be set in the earth by digging a hole to admit them two feet deep, and
must be very securely rammed in with earth, and also with stone, if any be
found at hand. The portion of the post which protrudes above the earth must be
squared off sufficiently smooth to admit of receiving the ;marks thereon, to be
made with appropriate marking irons, indicating what it stands for.
These prominent posts were to be carved with characters and
marks which would exactly identify what critical corner the post marked, and
with the sides of the posts fronting on a parcel the post front identified that
On each surface of the post is to be marked the number of the
particular township, and its range, which it faces. Thus, if the post be a
common boundary to four townships, say one and two, south of the base line, of
range one, west of the meridian ; also, to townships one and two, south of the
base- line, of range two, west of the meridian, it is to be marked thus: ( 1 W.
From 3f . to E. <> T. 18. ^ from E. to S J 2 S. (6 (2 From N. to W.
<> 1 S. S from W. to S. 1 2 2 W.
) These marks are not only to be distinctly but neatly cut into the wood, at
least the eighth of an inch deep; and to make them yet more con spicuous to the
eye of the anxious explorer, the deputy must apply to all of them a streak of
red chalk. Section or mile posts, being corners of sections, and where such are
common to four sections, are to be set diagonally in the earth, (in the manner
provided for township corner posts 5) and on each side of the squared surfaces
(made smooth, as aforesaid, to receive the marks) is to be marked the
appropriate number of the particular one of the four sec tions, respectively,
which such side faces; also, on one side thereof are to be marked the numbers
of its township and range; and to make such marks yet more conspicuous, in
manner aforesaid, a streak of red chalk is to be applied. INSTRUCTIONS
PRINTING- OFFICE. 1871. Page 6
I now live in Virginia, and am amused how very different the
stories of colonial land acquisition and land history, survey and description
differ in the Colonial East from the much later settled Midwest. To old metes and bounds Virginians, used to
terrain not suitable for straight roads,
the idea of square mile sections with a road every mile on a huge grid, regardless
of whether the roads go anywhere or fit the
terrain, sounds not just odd but
downright unnatural and silly. But in light of the huge number of disputes and lawsuits arising from sloppy
metes and bounds surveying, the Land Ordinance of 1785 prescribed that U.S. Public lands would henceforth be surveyed
under the “rectangular survey”
consisting of 6 mile square townships within a system of Townships and
Ranges. Absent this system it is difficult to see how
the Midwest could have been settled in family sized parcels, but might rather
have been scooped up in huge acreages by the wealthy, as had happened in the
Like many, I grew up
thinking that homesteads were free,
always consisted of 160 acres; and 5 years of homesteading residency and
improvements was the only way to acquire public lands that had not already been
granted to the railroad. Those ideas are
only partially true.
The 1862 Act made available “no more than” 160 acres
provided that a homesteader, I believe
that parcels within the railroad grant checkerboard must generally have been
limited to 80 acres, however, I found a 160 acre homestead in Marshall
0 Be twenty on years of age OR the head of a family. (Women and free blacks allowed)
0 Be a citizen OR declared intention to be a citizen.
0 Acknowledge not already owning more than 320 acres of land
within the U.S. and that he/she had not quit or abandoned other land in the
same state or territory.
0 Certify homesteaded land would be for homesteaders
exclusive use.
0 Certify that there are no known mineral resources on the
0 Pay certain fees; typically $10 + $2 + $6 = $18 (Recall that land was selling for $5 to $8
per acre in the 1870s in Clay County.)
0 Live on the land for five years (unless a veteran), make
some specified improvements e.g. a house of certain dimensions, barns, fences
etc. Later acts extended the residency
period in event of grasshoppers or drought. Seven years were allowed to complete the
0 Never had borne arms against the Union. Confederates need not apply.
Deviations from the
$160 acre, $18 fee, 5 years and improvements homesteading model:
0 Public Auctions.
Some public lands were conveyed through auctions, converted Indian
reservations and, I suspect, college land grant parcels may have been important
0 Direct Private Entry was allowed on lands
previously put up for auction but failed to sell. The price was set at a minimum of $1.25/acre.
I believe this was rare in Clay County.
0 ThePreemption
Act of 1841 preceded the Homestead Act and remained in effect alongside the
Homestead Act until 1891. The Preemption
Act was important in the Kansas and Nebraska Territories which were opened in
1854. A 21 year old, or head of
household, or widow and (intended) citizen could purchase up to 160 acres of
surveyed or unsurveyed public land for $1.25 (minimum lands) $2.50 (double
minimum lands) after residing or
consistently improving said land for 14 months.. Property within the railroad grant
checkerboard hence more desirable was usually double minimum. One catch was if the parcel were ever sold
10% of the proceeds were due the U.S. government. A preemption claim could be converted to a
homestead claim.
0 Veterans: Any Union civil war veteran could
deduct year for year time spent in the Union forces, or if wounded the full
term of enlistment up to four years, from the five year homestead residency
0 Commuted Homestead:
A homesteader could decide to buy the land for the government price
after 6 months of residing and cultivating. Cash, military bounty warrants, or
agricultural college scrip could be used.
0 Value: Land within a railroad grant checkerboard may
be limited to 80 acres rather than 160, and in later years in dryer areas the
160 acre limit was increased.
0 Kincaid Act and Timber Claim Act: these were not important in Clay County NE.
This, and more, homestead information can be found at
A fantastic article, containing detail I’ve not found elsewhere. Thank you for your time and effort.
Such a wonderful article to read!! Too bad we can not open the images. Would mean a lot to me to see them!
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