few weeks ago the folks at the Allegro Wolf Arts Center stumbled onto a small
box containing several badges with a Scottish tartan design and labeled DUNDEE
Castle No. 11, Royal Highlanders, Sutton, Nebr.
one in that group or others we spoke with knew of the Highlanders. It was another
Sutton story lost in the fog of time. Therefore, research happened driven
mainly by the mystery of how a Scottish themed organization appeared in this
German town.
were a lot of common features to the towns that developed out here on the
plains. One of the common characteristic of those early settlers was a
propensity to form and belong to a variety of organizations, lodges, clubs,
social groups, church groups and other forms of comradeship. Sutton was no
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The Royal Highlanders continued their Scottish theme with tartan badges and cities of Scotland for chapter names. |
were the Masons and the Eastern Star; the International Order of Odd Fellows and
the Rebekah; there was a bicycle club and a walking club. Women had sewing
clubs, book clubs, P.E.O., W.C.T.U, and many more. The Ancient Order of United
Workmen was a labor union with chapters
in most towns.
Sutton Farmer’s Grain and Stock Co. was a mutually owned early elevator of a
type that late spawned Co-op’s. The Grange and the Farm Bureau Federation
organized farmers early on. There was a movement in the mid-20th
century to organize hog producers by the National Farmers Organization (NFO)
which still exists as well as well as the National Farmers Union (founded 1913 –
you can check out their Facebook Page today.)
Royal Highlanders originated in Aurora as a fraternal insurance organization in
August, 1896. The first lodge or “castle” was established by F. J. Sharp with
the help of his brother, W. E. Sharp while the brothers were operating hardware
stores in Aurora and Stockham under the name of F. J. Sharp and Bro. I think we
can infer the relationship between those brothers from that description in the
organization’s documentation. F. J’s official title was “Chief Secretary” and
his brother was “Most Illustrious Protector.” I’m thinking F. J. was the alpha
brother in the family.
goal of the organization, stated in the language of the time was “to unite for
mutual benefit and fraternal protection all white persons who are in good
health, of exemplary character, and between the ages of 16 and 65.” I guess I
wouldn’t have made that cut. I’m too old, have some health issues and though my
character is not often in question “exemplary” could be a tall order if the In
Crowd wished. I am “white” but let’s not dwell on that at this time. One piece
of documentation included the phrase, “Sickness and Death in the Old South.”
‘Nuff said.
Royal Highlanders built their three-story headquarters building in downtown
Aurora modeled after Balmoral Castle in Scotland, an interesting choice.
Balmoral Castle is still important in the United Kingdom as the summer
residence of Queen Elizabeth II – good to know if you ever want a tour of
Buckingham Palace in London available only in August and September during those
Balmoral stays.
according the folks at the Plainsman Museum, the old Highlanders headquarters
building burned down a few years ago after being vacant for some time but never
fear, there are postcards depicting the building available on ebay for about
five dollars each.
chapters or “Castles” of the Royal Highlanders were named after Scottish cities
and personalities and were assigned a number. Sutton’s Dundee Castle was No. 11
preceded only by castles 1 thru 10 at Aurora, Hampton, Marquette, Arborville,
Phillips, Giltner, Harvard, Fairfield, Clay Center and Trumbull. It was mainly
a Nebraska phenomenon but around Castle No. 145 began to penetrate neighboring
states and by the time No. 281 was organized chapters extended as far away as
Vancouver, Washington.
who were these Sutton Highlanders? Fortunately, we have some clues. Dundee
Castle receives prominent mention in a book titled, “Historical Sketches of the
Royal Highlanders” available at Google Books. In fact, “Dundee’s Grand Banquet”
in April, 1898 is the very first story told in a section of the book about
notable meetings reported in the Highlander’s newsletter. The venue for the
gathering was Castle Hall which had a banquet room as well as other rooms.
Where do you suppose that was?
from headquarters attended the grand banquet including F. J. Sharp and the
Chief Treasurer, A. E. Siekman. Dundee’s Worthy Evangel was Rev. H. W. Stenson;
Rev. Fowler addressed the group and Mrs. Fowler offered a toast to “Women in
Fraternal Societies.” Other toasts came from Clansmen Hanke, Tower, Lewis and
King. Mrs. F. L. Keller favored the group with a song. We’ve encountered
several of these names elsewhere while digging in Sutton’s past.
entry in the historical sketches recounts the evening thirty-five Sutton Highlanders
traveled to Fairmont to assist organizing the Loch Doon Castle No. 13 in that
town. The Dundee drill team led a parade of Sutton and Fairmont highlanders
into the street under the direction of Captain P. F. Nuss. Sutton Clansmen
Loving was the main speaker making “an eloquent appeal for fraternal insurance
in general and the Highlander plan in particular.” J. B. Scott of the Sutton
chapter closed the program.
third Sutton related story in the book describes the first Highlander picnic in
Sutton on August 19th, 1897. There apparently were a number of castles
represented in a full costume parade described as the “finest parade of any
single Secret Society ever seen upon the streets of that city.”
was an item in a local 1913 newspaper that mentioned that Fred Hanke of Sutton
attended the district convention of the Royal Highlanders in Denver and was
re-elected to the board of directors. The History of Hamilton and Clay Counties
tells us that Mr. Hanke (better known in Sutton as “Hanke the Tailor”) was a
member of the Executive Committee of the Royal Highlanders for some time.
hat became of the Royal Highlanders?
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The Royal Highlanders had their own grave markers that are found in Wyuka in Lincoln. Are there any locally? |
lodge and secret society aspects of the organization faded as actuaries took
over and an insurance company emerged. The Executive Castle moved from Aurora
to Lincoln in 1937 and became the Mutual Legal Reserve Life Insurance Company
with a string of other names to follow over time.
concurrent with the Royal Highlanders’ story Security Mutual Life was organized
in Fremont and Woodmen Accident Association started in York. Mergers of those
three organizations, name changes and re-organizations led to the Assurity Life
Insurance Company at 2000 Q St. in Lincoln today. The details of the company
history is summarized at http://www.assurity.com/Pdfs/2013history.pdf
Plainsman Museum in Aurora celebrates their hometown Highlanders in an exhibit
about to be moved and updated. We donated a Dundee Castle No. 11 badge to
include Sutton in the new exhibit.
tartan on our Royal Highlanders badges remains a mystery. As a one-quarter
Scotsman myself with ties to the Cassell sept of the Kennedy Clan and to the
Maxwell Clan (a particularly ugly plaid) I made a serious attempt to figure out
what clan tartan was used in the badge but to no avail.
I was disappointed to find no Kennoway Castle among the names of the almost 300
individual chapters, Kennoway being the home of my great grandparents and not
that far actually from Dundee. Most disappointing. But discovering a Scottish
themed organization in Sutton was pretty cool.
No, there's none more Scots
Than the Scots abroad
There's a place in our hearts
For the old sod.
Than the Scots abroad
There's a place in our hearts
For the old sod.
from a raucous Scottish song called, “The Old Sod” found on youtube if you’re
brave enough. Another offering by your Sutton Historical Society to expand the
cultural vocabulary of our community.)
Our research is almost finished for this project with only one remaining question, “Has anyone ever found bagpipes and a kilt in the attic?”
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The Royal Highlanders distinctive costumes mimicked kilts. This woman's dress is on display at the Plainsman Museum in Aurora sporting the Douglas Castle No. 1 badge of the founding Aurora chapter. |
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