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Monday, November 4, 2019

1944 - 50th Year of Lewis Jewelry Store

From the October 19, 1944 issue of The Sutton News

The Lewis Jewelry Store was on the North end, West side of downtown Sutton. The Sutton Museum has several items from the families of A.H. Lewis and his wife Laura (Schwab) Lewis. Among those items is the Grandfathers Clock that stood in the window of the store. Folklore has it that railroad men would walk the 1/2 block during stops to set their watches to the Lewis clock.

We have an interesting item and photo of Mrs. Laura Lewis from the 1939 celebration of Sutton's 65th anniversary - HERE

The story of the Lewis Jewelry store gives us clues to the puzzle of the historic configurations of downtown stores. Another on in the same issue of the News is:

So, where was the Blue Valley Store? I remember when it was my parents' grocery store of choice in town (there were three of them). Grover Schneider operated the Blue Valley IGA Store at the north end of the south side on the west where Jessica Moore has her optometry business today. It was Scott Schmer's State Farm business, OK Tire Ted's operation and other uses over time. 

Grover Schneider was the brother of Paul Schneider, south-of-town-farmer and uncle of Paula (Schneider) Bergen. Grover's son Don was in the same class as Paula and myself before his family moved to San Diego.

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