We have received a dandy little scrap book titled "The History of Clay and Fillmore Counties" from the Sheridan family, another of Betty Sheridan's gems.
The book contained a clipping from the Sutton Register in 1931 in which they quote from a copy of The Clay County Globe that was printed in Sutton on Friday, November 5, 1880. It was Vol. 6, No. 20 implying that the Globe had been in publication for some time. The issue included the news that Garfield had defeated Hancock for the presidency. But a very interesting piece was the list of advertising in that issue of the Globe. This was not an extensive list of Sutton businesses in 1880 but just the list of advertisers in one issue of a weekly newspaper.
Attorneys: H. W. Gray, R. G. Brown, Bagley & Bemis, Stone & Stone, A. A. McCoy and J. S. LeHew
Doctors: A. O. Kendall, M. V. Clark and A. H. Keller
Druggists: W. J. Keller and H. H. Keller
General Merchandise: M. Wittenberg, Merrill & Co. and John Honey & Sons
Dry Goods & Clothing: Stein & Kramer
Hardware: I. N. Clark & Co. and Way & Hoerger
Implements: Thompson & Bros. and A. C. Clyde
Bakery and Confectionery: W. W. Wieden
Dentist: J. H. Johnson
Masons and Plasterers: H. B. Batteshill and C. M.& W. A. Heusel
Wells & Pumps: J. S. Lewis & Son
Harness: John A. Ling and Jos. Grice
Jeweler: Paul Braitsch
Hotels: Clark House and French Hotel
Groceries: Roberts Bros.
Photographer and Tin Types: W. A. Fowler
Millinery: Mrs. C. Braun
Livery: Hawkins & Torrey and Moon & Roberts
Wagon Maker: K. T. Jones
Blacksmith: Lehrman & Nagel
Meat Market: Bemis & Barnhart
Tailor: Geo. H. Sporl
Flour and Feed: J. W. Heusel